I have a Blue Screen with the words No Signal.

This is the result of a loss of video to the display. Areas to look at include:
  • Camera(s)
  • Camera Cable(s)
  • Controller
  • Display
  • Display to Controller Cable
  Single Camera System Troubleshooting Yes No
Step 1
Are there any signs of damage to the camera or camera cable?
Repair damage and retest
Go to step 2
Step 2 Check connections between camera and camera cable, controller and camera cable and the display to controller cable. Make sure they are all connected properly. Did this fix your problem? Done Contact your INTEC Service Rep.
  Multi Camera System Troubleshooting Yes No
Step 1 Are all camera positions (with cameras connected) showing a blue screen when selected? Go to step 2 Go to step 3
Step 2 Check your display to controller cable for damage. If damaged replace it and retest, if not unplug it from the display and controller and reconnect. Did this correct your problem? Done Contact your INTEC service rep. They may ask you to return your display or controller for service.
Step 3 Unplug one of the camera cables from a working position at the controller and move it to the position(s) that is not working. Does the non-working position(s) now show an image? Make sure you’ve selected the correct position via the remote. Go to step 4 Contact your INTEC service rep. They may ask you to return your controller for service.
Step 4 Place the camera cables back in their original position and move only a working camera to the position(s) that are not working. Do you get an image? Contact your INTEC Service Rep. They may ask you to return your camera for service. Check the camera cable for damage. It may need to be replaced.

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